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Social Media Stats All Authors Need to Know
by Fauzia Burke
There has been a large increase in social media presence this year. With Covid taking away other ways of networking, it is no surprise that more than half of the people in the world use social media as of July 2020. Most social media users select brands and find new products based on the recommendations of peers and friends. This makes social media a marketing powerhouse and instrumental in getting your books discovered.
How to Drive Traffic to Your Author Website
by Fauzia Burke
As most of the world is sheltering in place due to Coronavirus, we are all spending more hours online than ever before. This is a good time for authors to spit and polish their websites and find new ways to get more readers. If you’ve been reading my blogs or have heard me speak, you know that I think every author needs a website in their own name, not the name of their current book. Remember, you need a website that is going to scale with you. But once you’ve taken the leap and set up your website, purchased your domain, and entered your basic book information…now what? How do you get people to your website? Here are 3 steps to make your website a success.
3 Reasons Why Book Publicity is More Important Than Ever
by Fauzia Burke
PR does not sell books. There I said it. If you are doing PR because you think you’ll sell enough copies to get a return on that investment, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. Most PR firms will require a financial commitment of thousands of dollars a month, plus require a 3-6 month minimum engagement. You’d have to sell a lot of books to get that investment back. Yet, here I am telling you it’s a worthy investment.
Sell More Books Even During a Crisis
by Fauzia Burke
One of the best ways publishers can sell more books is to help their authors become better marketers. Some publishers have already figured out that their best marketing assets are actually their authors. Of course, publishers need to do all the things that work on scale—distribution, general marketing, publicity to mainstream publications, radio and TV. However, authors have a unique advantage. They bring their deep subject matter knowledge, professional networks, and local community connections to the table. All of these are more important than ever as we see disruption in the traditional sales and marketing channels due to coronavirus.
Lessons Learned in Business: The 25th Anniversary Edition
by Fauzia Burke
This year marks the 25th anniversary of
FSB Associates. What started as a one-woman (me) shop from our spare bedroom has grown into a dream small business with a fabulous staff working around the country, and a roster of thousands of amazing clients. While our plans for a celebration at BEA had to be shelved and our planned parties in New Jersey and San Diego will have to wait, we are still thrilled that we’ve been able to celebrate such a milestone, albeit remotely.
What Makes a Successful Book Campaign?
by Fauzia Burke
One of the absolute best parts of my job is that I get to spend time talking with and meeting authors: amazing people who are truly passionate about their work. And while I work with writers across almost every subject area, one question remains the same, whether they are writing crime fiction or business self-help: What makes for a successful book campaign?
It’s a tough question, but one I’m going to try to answer here.
Black Lives Matter and Juneteenth
by Fauzia Burke
I am heartbroken over the murder of another Black person by police officers and the violent response by police against protestors. I stand with the victims of murder, violence, and oppression based on skin color and with those who are protesting for justice. Unless we as a country speak up, take responsibility for our past, acknowledge the present culture of injustice, and make a commitment to change, the list of Black lives lost to police brutality will never end. Black Healthcare Matters. Black Education Matters. Black Housing Matters. Black Voices Matter. And Black Lives absolutely Matter. Together we must support the Black community and speak out against the violence and racism.
The Best Place to Promote Your Book is on the Web
by Fauzia Burke
Now more than ever, it’s important for authors to prioritize online publicity to promote their books. Due to the pandemic, bookstore events have canceled, traditional media is being cannibalized by coverage of the coronavirus, and speaking engagements have vanished overnight. As scary as it is, it looks like our “new normal” is going to change the way we think about book publicity for a long time to come.
8 Digital Marketing Tips for Authors
by Fauzia Burke
When you’re an author, your only job is to write, right? Wrong. The reality of today’s publishing landscape is that authors not only need to be fantastic writers, they also need to be publicists, marketers, and overall cheerleaders for their books. But with all these extra hats an author needs to wear, how do you find the time? And where do you start? If you’re struggling to prioritize your digital marketing efforts, start with these 8 tips.
Book Promotion in the Time of Coronavirus
by Fauzia Burke
If you’re an author with a recently published or upcoming book, it’s time to regroup and assess the impact Coronavirus will have on your book promotional plans. Even if you’ve had to cancel scheduled events or planned media or promotions, there is still plenty you can do to help your book succeed. Most book tours at this time seem ill-advised. Even if you are willing to travel, you likely will not get much of an audience. TV, radio, and print media will be focusing on the news of the day, which is changing by the hour. By all accounts, the Coronavirus spread will get worse before it gets better, so you can expect this to dominate the news cycle for weeks and weeks.
Digital Life Worksheet for Authors
by Fauzia Burke
We are living through unprecedented (can we retire this word already) times, and it is going to take all of us to get through it. Besides flattening the curve, this is a good time to get organized. At FSB, we are making contingency plans, and creating systems to ensure smooth sailing. Other than that, it is business as usual.
Digital Self Audit
by Fauzia Burke
Back in 2016, publishing industry expert Mike Shatzkin opened Digital Book World by saying that publishers need to help authors in their marketing efforts. “At the very least, every house should do a ‘digital audit’ for every author they sign that includes concrete suggestions for filling in gaps and improving discoverability and engagement. To my knowledge, not one does.” Today, some publishers do this but the majority do not.
8 Digital Tools to Try—Because at Least One of Them Will Change Your Life
by Fauzia Burke
The team at FSB Associates loves trying new tools, especially those that help us streamline our work and save us time. It seems there are new digital tools being released every week, but the list below showcases my new favorites. I use all of these tools on an almost-daily basis. They’re easy to use and will make your days run a little smoother. And for a digital nerd like me, they’re absolute fun.
Cleaning Up Your Social Media Feed
by Fauzia Burke
I’ve always been a fan of social media, particularly for authors. Platforms like Facebook or Twitter allow you to connect with a group of fans, share events and photos, and keep followers updated on the latest news in your publishing journey. It can be a great way to easily keep in touch with a large group.
But in recent years, my personal feeds have become overwhelmed with inflammatory political messages and content from people I haven’t seen (or frankly, thought about) in years. It’s all become too much of a distraction. So, preparing for an election that promises to be insane, I’ve decided 2020 is the year to clear out my social media feeds. If you’re the type of person who is always adding friends, accepting requests from acquaintances, and adding news sites and brands to your feeds, but never removing anyone, it might be time for you to do the same.
10 Easy Steps for a Successful Book Launch
by Fauzia Burke
Getting a book published is a huge accomplishment and you should be really proud of yourself. It is a once in a lifetime event, even if it is your 15th book. Once you have done a little celebrating, it’s time to get ready for the launch. Here are some simple things you can do now to have a successful launch.
It's 2021, Where's Your Website?
by Fauzia Burke
I speak to several authors a day, and many of them find the whole digital marketing aspect confusing. I get that, I really do, but there are some things that you just need to know to take charge of your online marketing. Let’s start with the most important element of your digital marketing: Your website.
All authors need a website. Yes, all of you. And in 2021 there's no reason to be dependent on others to build, update or maintain your website. Let’s break down the essential elements.
4 Digital Marketing Tools Every Author Should Learn
by Fauzia Burke
The days when authors could expect publishers to do all their marketing are long gone, but unlike others, I think that’s a good thing. The change has forced all of us to become more independent, and have the ability to build a long term relationship with our readers. Many authors still feel that they can farm their online marketing, as a PR and marketing firm I certainly advocate for authors to find expertise when they need it. However new digital tools and technologies, can help you save money for the day-to-day housekeeping. Learning these tools will help save you time and money and allow you more control over your brand.
How to Use Social Media to Sell Books?
by Fauzia Burke
As I say to my clients, social media is not a sales channel. It is a networking environment. However, new research shows that social media may be gaining ground as a referral engine for sales. While networking remains core to social media, consumers are now using their favorite social networks to buy, buy, buy! That’s right, social media is impacting buying decisions more and more. Take note:
55% of consumers say they buy products online after finding them on social media.
Small is the New Big in Social Networking
by Fauzia Burke
Imagine you are hosting two birthday parties for yourself (I know it sounds indulgent, but go with it for now). At the first birthday party, you invite 50 people. Many of your guests bring friends and before you know it, there are 200 people in your living room you’ve never met. You end up being too busy to talk to anyone and ultimately ask yourself, who are all these people anyway? The silver lining is that everyone talks about how popular you must be.
At the second party, you invite 10 of your closest friends. You sit around a table, talk about old times, share laughs and there is enough food and drink to last hours.
Now that your marathon birthday weekend...
Why Authors Should Write Guest Blogs
by Fauzia Burke
Blogging is a great way to share your ideas with your readers, and if you can commit to a regular schedule, I encourage all authors (and aspiring authors!) to host a blog on their websites. When you post, you should use your social media accounts and newsletter to amplify your blog, and get as many eyes on your piece as possible.
But what about reaching an even broader audience? Blogging for an established website is a great way to do this. Think about the increased exposure. You’ll reach readers who may not have been aware of you or your work before. It’s also a great way to get a placement on a site that doesn’t necessarily run book reviews.
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