Book Marketing can feel overwhelming. Here I offer practical, doable ideas to promote your books.
Author Branding
Patreon vs. Substack: Choosing the Right Platform for Your Goals

When it comes to building a community around your work, especially in the publishing world, we now have more tools than ever to make it happen. But with options comes decision fatigue. I’ve been thinking about the two big platforms—Patreon and Substack—and wanted to share my thoughts. If you’re like me, always balancing the desire to grow your business while experimenting with new things (hello, AI), knowing where to focus your energy can make all the difference.
Building Buzz: Strategies for Generating Pre-launch Excitement for Your Book

Are you gearing up to launch your next book and want to ensure it makes a splash in the literary world? Building buzz before your book hits the shelves is crucial for its success. In today's competitive publishing landscape, creating pre-launch excitement can mean the difference between a book that languishes unnoticed and one that captures the attention of readers far and wide. Here are some proven strategies to help you generate buzz and anticipation for your upcoming release.
Marketing Your First Novel: My Advice for Authors

Releasing a novel can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to marketing. With so many authors and books competing for attention, how do you make sure your book gets noticed? I recently spoke with a new author who was feeling anxious about her upcoming book launching here are some of my recommendations for marketing a new novel.
The Art of Connection: Tips for Building Strong Relationships with Your Readers

TikTok & Books

How to Drive Traffic to Your Author Website

8 Digital Marketing Tips for Authors

Digital Life Worksheet for Authors

Digital Self Audit

Back in 2016, publishing industry expert Mike Shatzkin opened Digital Book World by saying that publishers need to help authors in their marketing efforts. “At the very least, every house should do a ‘digital audit’ for every author they sign that includes concrete suggestions for filling in gaps and improving discoverability and engagement. To my knowledge, not one does.” Today, some publishers do this but the majority do not.
4 Digital Marketing Tools Every Author Should Learn

The days when authors could expect publishers to do all their marketing are long gone, but unlike others, I think that’s a good thing. The change has forced all of us to become more independent, and have the ability to build a long term relationship with our readers. Many authors still feel that they can farm their online marketing, as a PR and marketing firm I certainly advocate for authors to find expertise when they need it. However new digital tools and technologies, can help you save money for the day-to-day housekeeping. Learning these tools will help save you time and money and allow you more control over your brand.
Beyond the Author Website: Other Arenas to Build Your Online Presence

But there are some additional places to build your online brand that I find many authors forget about. Here are some of my favorites:
Amazon Author Central: Amazon’s Author Central is a great place to build out your online presence. You can post a longer biography, upload your author photo, and even set up a feed to your blog. This is a free resource I recommend all authors use....
Keeping Your Newsletter Audience Engaged

Think about it. It takes far more effort to subscribe to a newsletter--you’re not just clicking on...
3 Elements of a Successful Online Platform

I believe there are three steps for developing a successful online brand. With my clients I use the following formula: Design + Engagement + Visibility = Success. Here they are, broken out:
Step 1: Design
Studies show that we judge a person in 1/10 of a second. I don’t think our visual branding is...
Supporting Authors in Online Marketing

“At the very least, every house should do a “digital audit” for every author they sign that includes concrete suggestions for filling in gaps and improving discoverability and engagement. To my knowledge, not one does.”
He also wrote an important blog on his site called: When it comes to supporting authors in marketing efforts, no publisher has it right yet. I hear his point, in fact, it is the reason I wrote Online Marketing for Busy Authors. It is an introductory book for authors who have been dragging their online marketing feet. However, expecting publishers to be able to help...
Why Blogging Is More Important Than Ever For Authors

Let's take a closer look at some of the compelling reasons why you, as an author, need to blog.
Blogging is the foundation of your digital house. Consider your blog as the...
Busy Authors Guide to Online Marketing

Start now. You don't need a completed manuscript to start promoting your ideas, building your platform or creating buzz for your book. Once you have an idea for your book, you can start the conversation online. Finding your audience and...
Making My Case: Why Authors Need Websites

1. Your readers want to learn...
Staying Connected: 10 Digital Marketing Tips for Busy Authors

Hopefully you’ve read Getting Started and Keep Going, my first 20 digital marketing tips for authors. Now it’s about staying connected. Branding isn’t about building something and then walking away. Your brand is a relationship you have with your community and something to invest in continually. It may sound daunting to stay digitally connected all the time, but a little effort can go a long way. And as an author, you have the hard part covered—you have content of value to share. Here is wave three of my digital branding tips for authors. 1) Start a Facebook business page. where you can converse regularly with your audience and build a sense of community. Begin by sharing content of value....
Ask Yourself these 14 Questions to Expertly Market Your Book

There’s really never been a better time to be an author. There is a lot more competition than ever before, but there are also a lot more opportunities. For the first time in the history of publishing, authors have direct access to their readers. Our new world of direct access to readers requires authors to spend more time and effort to get the word out about their books, but with that investment there is great reward. Authors are building community, making a difference and finding great joy in the process.
I own a digital publicity and marketing firm specializing in creating awareness for books and authors and I often hear from authors who feel overwhelmed...
4 Ways to Create Compelling Content

Here are 4 ways to ensure you are generating content that resonates with your target audience. Tune in to the social media channel. How do you find out what your customers want...