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Social Media Tips

Simplify Your Social Media Content: Tips for Building a Fan Base for Your Books

Simplify Your Social Media Content: Tips for Building a Fan Base for Your Books
by Fauzia Burke
As an author, your online presence is critical for building a fan base. Social media is a powerful tool for connecting with readers, promoting your work, and building your reputation as an expert in your field. However, managing multiple social media accounts can be overwhelming, especially when creating and sharing content. Below are tips for streamlining your social media content and creating a more cohesive online presence.

Fresh Start With Social Media Accounts

Fresh Start With Social Media Accounts
by Fauzia Burke
The recent changes in Twitter have prompted many of us to reconsider where we hang our social media hats. As we start 2023, we can take the opportunity to declutter and reorganize our physical space, and it's also a good time to do the same with your online presence. I do this every year, which makes a huge difference in the value I get from spending time on social media. 

TikTok & Books

TikTok & Books
by Fauzia Burke
TikTok is a social media platform for sharing short form (1-3 minutes) video content. It has been growing in popularity, in fact it is now the third most popular social media platform and has grown to 1 billion active users worldwide this year. However, it is not the growth of TikTok that is making people pay attention; it is the engagement. 

Which Social Media Platforms Should I Use?

Which Social Media Platforms Should I Use?
by Fauzia Burke
No matter what you write or how you choose to publish, the majority of authors can agree on one thing: social media has redefined the way books are promoted. However, you can’t be present on all platforms, so which platform is right for you? I feel that the best platform for you is the one you enjoy the most. If you don’t enjoy being there, no one will follow you. It is far better for you to focus on one or two platforms that work for you then to spread yourself too thin by trying to be all things to all people.

Social Media Stats All Authors Need to Know

Social Media Stats All Authors Need to Know
by Fauzia Burke
There has been a large increase in social media presence this year. With Covid taking away other ways of networking, it is no surprise that more than half of the people in the world use social media as of July 2020. Most social media users select brands and find new products based on the recommendations of peers and friends. This makes social media a marketing powerhouse and instrumental in getting your books discovered.

Cleaning Up Your Social Media Feed

Cleaning Up Your Social Media Feed
by Fauzia Burke

I’ve always been a fan of social media, particularly for authors. Platforms like Facebook or Twitter allow you to connect with a group of fans, share events and photos, and keep followers updated on the latest news in your publishing journey. It can be a great way to easily keep in touch with a large group.

But in recent years, my personal feeds have become overwhelmed with inflammatory political messages and content from people I haven’t seen (or frankly, thought about) in years. It’s all become too much of a distraction. So, preparing for an election that promises to be insane, I’ve decided 2020 is the year to clear out my social media feeds. If you’re the type of person who is always adding friends, accepting requests from acquaintances, and adding news sites and brands to your feeds, but never removing anyone, it might be time for you to do the same.

How to Use Social Media to Sell Books?

How to Use Social Media to Sell Books?
by Fauzia Burke
As I say to my clients, social media is not a sales channel. It is a networking environment. However, new research shows that social media may be gaining ground as a referral engine for sales. While networking remains core to social media, consumers are now using their favorite social networks to buy, buy, buy! That’s right, social media is impacting buying decisions more and more. Take note: 55% of consumers say they buy products online after finding them on social media. 

Small is the New Big in Social Networking

Small is the New Big in Social Networking
by Fauzia Burke
Imagine you are hosting two birthday parties for yourself (I know it sounds indulgent, but go with it for now). At the first birthday party, you invite 50 people. Many of your guests bring friends and before you know it, there are 200 people in your living room you’ve never met. You end up being too busy to talk to anyone and ultimately ask yourself, who are all these people anyway? The silver lining is that everyone talks about how popular you must be.

At the second party, you invite 10 of your closest friends. You sit around a table, talk about old times, share laughs and there is enough food and drink to last hours.

Now that your marathon birthday weekend...

Social Media vs Social Networking

Social Media vs Social Networking
by Fauzia Burke
Although most of us use the terms interchangeably, there is a difference between social media and social networking. For me, understanding the distinctions was a big aha moment. To develop a comprehensive and effective digital marketing strategy, it is helpful (even crucial) to understand the differences. Social Media Social media is the media (content) that you upload -- whether that's a blog, video, slideshow, podcast, newsletter or an eBook. Consider social media as a one-to-many communication method. Although people can respond and comment, you own the content and have to produce (write/record/create) the media yourself.

Your social media goal and strategy: Decide if you want to connect with your audience in the form of a blog, video, newsletter, podcast or eBook. Blogs are...

4 Ways to Create Compelling Content

4 Ways to Create Compelling Content
by Fauzia Burke
If your business blog is all about what you want to write about and what you want to market and sell, your blog, as they say, could be an epic fail. While it's great to generate regular content about your business and its niche, the driving factor for your content creation -- whether your blog or your newsletter content -- has to be centered around what your customers' want. To create compelling content your customers can't wait to devour, always ask yourself: Is this providing value to my customer base?

Here are 4 ways to ensure you are generating content that resonates with your target audience. Tune in to the social media channel. How do you find out what your customers want...

Cultivating Super Fans with eNewsletters

Cultivating Super Fans with eNewsletters
by Fauzia Burke
Social media is sexy, but the real power of your relationship with your fans is in email newsletters. The people on your mailing list are your "Super Fans." They are the ones who have given you permission to show up in their inbox. That invitation is very valuable.

Think about it, when was the last time you signed up for a newsletter. Probably not for a while. Once I asked an author that question and she said, "oh I don't do that." She's right we don't do that, unless we are Super Fans or the author/company is providing something of value.

Super Fans are the people who pre-order your books, are the first in line to buy your products, and recommend you...

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